Tuesday, 9 March 2010

I have got a bloody ghost !

Ok, so what do you do when you are terrified? I am writing my blog hoping that in the time I have written this whatever paranormal thing that is here with me will have left. I will be honest, I have never really believed in ghosts, until now. (Well actually as a teenager I saw a few weird things which I think were ghost related, but then again I was probably just drunk). About 3 months ago, I was lying in bed, still awake, only just got in to bed and I heard someone coming up the stairs. Not light footsteps, proper human sounding footsteps. Kids were all in bed, husband was in bed next to me, and he heard them too. I was convinced we had a burglar, so I sent him to investigate. No burglar, nothing. I spent most of the night with my eyes firmly glued to the bedroom door.

About 3 weeks ago, my sister came to stay the night. We were all in the living room, me, kids, steven and my sister watching TV. The living room door was closed, so were all the windows, other doors etc. The fucking door opened really slowly. My sister just looked at me, and I said "oh yeah, I know I think we have a ghost" She was sleeping on an airbed downstairs that night, ha ha ha.

But today, fuck me I should have just ran out of the house, instead I am paranoidly looking around while I type. I literally just got back from life writing. Came in, checked facebook, as you do, and was busily typing away while I heard something which sounded like a mouse scurrying across the window ledge. Of course, I immediately felt sick thinking there might be a mouse, so I went over slowly to look. We have this window seat thing in our lounge, on it I have got a white vase with fake flowers in it. On the other side the left side, is a lamp. The fake flowers had come out the vase, and were lying next to the lamp. They hadn't fell out the vase, cos if they had it would have been impossible for them to fall that far. I am telling you now, something just moved the flowers.

Which makes me think I have a female ghost, perhaps a florist, who didn't like the way the flowers were arranged so just pulled them out. Either way, I feel proper fucking creeped out now. I am probably imaging it but the back of my neck feels really cold.I'm going to go now, and drive to someone else's house, come back this evening when there are more people here and I'm not alone. FUCCCCCKKKKK

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